Addison Dogs
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Tellington TTouch

There are a lot of specific ways TTouch can help dogs with Addison's disease. TTouch helps with stress reduction, and if our dogs aren't stressed, they don't need as much medication. Doing some TTouch before giving the DOCP injection, can help your dog relax. TTouch before and during a vet visit will do the same. It can help with issues you see commonly with ADogs, such as noise sensitivity. TTouch and help a dog get used to being handled like they need to be for frequent vet visits and blood draws.

The cornerstone of TTouch is bodywork including circular movements and lifts all over the body. Although it might look a bit like massage, the intent is different. The intent of TTouch is to work at the cellular level to increase an animal's awareness and enhance his or her ability to learn and focus.

In addition to the bodywork, animals may go thru a Confidence Course (the Playground of Higher Learning) that involves obstacles and ground exercises that promote balance and coordination, concentration, obedience and willingness to cooperate. The work also incorporates body wraps and other tools to aid in reaching these goals.

There are dozens of TTouches – most have been given animal names to create a visual image for each TTouch and make them fun and easy to learn. Each TTouch is used for a different purpose. For example,
Clouded Leopard TTouches (using the finger pads) develop awareness of the whole body and release fear.
Abalone TTouches (whole hand) promote relaxation and trust.
Raccoon TTouches (finger tips) help reduce swelling and pain, and are useful for working in small areas such as between paw pads.

How To Do It

The Clouded Leopard TTouch is one of the basic TTouches. Imagine the face of a clock on your animal's body, with 6 o'clock toward the dog's paws. Place the pads of your lightly curved fingers softly on the body at 6 o'clock, and your thumb 2 to 3 inches from the fingers. Using the fingerpads, push the skin in a circle and a quarter (leaving the thumb in place) around the face of the imaginary clock. Go past the point where you started and stop at 9 o'clock. Place your other hand lightly on the body for support and connection between the two hands.

Maintain a steady rhythm around the circle and keep a light pressure - not more than you would use to push the skin of your eyelid in a circle. Pay attention to the regularity of your breathing and the roundness of each circle in order to keep your hand relaxed. If your dog does not enjoy the circles, you may be using too much pressure, stiffening your hand, or holding your breath. Practice on yourself, a friend or family member to find the light TTouch. Remember the intent is to communicate with the cells rather than manipulating the muscles.

Learn More

The beauty in the work is its simplicity and the fact that it's possible to make a difference in your animal's performance, behavior or health from following the information in a TTouch book or video. More focused results can be attained by attending a workshop or by working with a certified practitioner in private sessions. A few minutes a day can result in significant improvements in behavior and health and well-being. Many people report an unexpected benefit of relaxation and stress reduction in themselves as they practice Tellington TTouch.

Since 1978 the Tellington TTouch Method has grown, and is now practiced in 30 countries on almost every species of domestic animals. It is used by companion animal guardians, trainers, breeders, veterinarians, Humane Societies, zoos and in wild life rehabilitation programs. There are over 500 hundred certified Tellington TTouch practitioners for companion animals and horses in 12 countries. There are ten books in 11 languages and 19 videos about TTouch.

Visit for more information, a listing of TTouch practitioners, a schedule of workshops, or to order one of the many helpful books or videos.

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